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About Us


Personal Service

The values we hold have shaped our business. We recognised early on that one of the key qualities clients liked in a business is the ability to work with the same people. So this is exactly what we provide - a small, tight team.

Working alongside clients year after year ensures we are attuned to what is happening in their business growth and can take an active part in assisting with their journey to success.


Power to the Client

Many clients like to be responsible for their own bookkeeping. Part of our approach is to coach and assist clients to do as much or as little of their accounting as they wish to do. In this way there is less for us to attend to at year end, but more importantly clients are keeping on top of their own financial situation and therefore have more control. And yes, if you like to do your book keeping manually - no problem - you don’t suddenly have to become a computer whiz.

Clients are encouraged to ask quick questions in order to avoid errors. Every client has up to 15 minutes free each year.


Integrity, Honesty & Trust

The foundation to any solid and lasting relationship is based on these attributes. They do not happen overnight, they do not happen because we say they do. They come about from walking the walk and consistently proving our only objective is a happy outcome for you. Come walk with us.


Knowledge & Systems

We always endeavour to keep ourselves attuned to the latest software available both for accounting and for Trust administration. Our familiarity extends across many of the major programs both online and off. Solutions have to be affordable and practical for the client’s needs and that is a constant consideration.

In these changing times a reliable Trust administration system is vital and we have selected CCH Trusts as our provider. Their software streamlines the creation and administration of Trusts and is widely used by lawyers and accountants throughout New Zealand.

Organized and Efficient

"As the owner of a small business I have appreciated the team's assistance in setting up a straight-forward accounting system, and their ongoing support. Especially the promptness with which they respond to questions about tax and accounting procedures."

Trish S.


Let’s Start Working Together!

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